Aid Sri Lanka Foundation

Latest News

Tuesday 2 May 2006

From: Claire de Boursac

Received by: Email.

Aruna Pre-School gets a much needed make-over.

Aruna Pre-school is located in a rural area where the villagers have a low income, usually employed in casual labour or small scale market trading. The small building which houses the school is in need of some attention.

With holes in the walls, cracks in the floor, gaps in the roof and doors and window frames which were riddled with termites, there was not one part of the building which was fit for use. In addition, the toilet had been broken for some time and was now used only by the stray dogs.

For the 30 children in the main room, there were only 12 very badly damaged chairs and a few equally broken desks. The younger children who use the hall belonging to the bank for their activities had no furniture but used mats on the floor.

The parents were keen to improve the conditions for their children but with no money felt helpless. When we suggested undertaking a community project they were only too happy to pitch in. As soon as the materials were delivered to the site the mothers and fathers came to assist immediately, scrubbing the walls and floors in preparation.

With a large and willing workforce the progress has been quick. The holes in the floor and walls have been filled. The old, damaged windows have been removed. Salvaging what metal was in good condition the local carpenter has made new frames and also some new door frames, using good thick wood in place of the thin, flimsy frames which were there before.

The parents have started painting the outside of the building and the bright yellow colour already makes the building look much more cheery. Everybody is delighted, with the exception of the stray dog. The old toilet has been replaced. It was previously accessed from the rear of the building but a new door has been created through the back of the classroom so that the children don’t have to go outside. This is much better for them but bad news for the canine squatter.


Aruna Pre-School

Aruna Pre-School

Leaky roof

Leaky roof

Mason mending the floor

Mason mending the floor

Parents lend a hand

Parents lend a hand

Rainwater puddles and broken furniture

Rainwater puddles and broken furniture

Sparsely furnished classroom

Sparsely furnished classroom

Toilet used only by stray dogs

Toilet used only by stray dogs

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