Aid Sri Lanka Foundation

Latest News

Tuesday 11 January 2005

From: Pyius

Received by: Email.

All the news so far has been from Tom, Sam and Mark - so we wanted to get Pyius to add a local perspective. Pyius is the Office Manager of 'Experience Sri Lanka' and is now in control of logistics for the aid group.

Please look at the pictures alongside this. They are thank you pictures. Putting hands togther like this is Sri Lankan style for saying thanks. By all their heart they are saying thank you. We have given them here the expensive things that they need but mostly people are not giving. These are things like nets, pots for cooking rice and clothes an everything for the family.

Also the people have big difficulty finding medicine and help because at this moment the government medical service is not working. So that we are giving the mobile medical services with medicine is aa very good idea. The people mostly need this very much.

So thank you from me and my other Sri Lankan friends in this group for giving us the chance to really help the people of this ouur beautiful country. And God bless you.

Panni also says:
"hello to all my English friends and godak, godak (great, great) thank you for the love you have shown to our country. You must also come and see this country sometime, goodbye and may the Buddah bless you.


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