Aid Sri Lanka Foundation

Latest News

Wednesday 24 August 2005

From: Claire de Boursac

Received by: Email.

Matara: More success stories

Aid Sri Lanka is helping women entrepreneurs in tsunami affected Matara get back to work.

During a recent visit to Matara Operations Manager Claire had the opportunity to meet more of the ladies who were assisted under this initiative. The five women spoke of their experiences of the tsunami, how it had affected their business and what had happened since.

It was touching to hear their stories. The fear of December 26th still visible in their faces and evidenced in the wobble in their voices as they spoke of that tragic day. One lady explained how she was preparing her string hoppers as usual when all of a sudden she found herself being swept away by the wave. She was keen to tell the story but the words stuck in her throat as she described how somehow she and her children managed to grab the branches of a tree and clung there until the water subsided. She considers herself lucky. She, her children and husband were all saved but they lost nearly everything they owned. Now, with the income from the string hoppers they are slowly able to rebuild their lives and their home.

Another told how delighted she was to be back in business. As she is now the sole wage earner in her household, being given the equipment so that she could start to earn money has been essential for the family. Her income is not huge but she is saving a little of what she earns each week. She tells proudly of her plans to modernise her boutique and expand her business. It is great to hear of plans and hopes for the future which have been in such short supply this year.

Each story was touching, containing terrible events which will stay with them forever but also a real sense of positivity and looking to the future.

The Women’s Chamber have been a fantastic partner in this project, giving the ladies the support they need and using the funds donated to help rebuild the lives of this community in a very real way.


She is now saving for the future

She is now saving for the future

This lady is able to send her daughter to school

This lady is able to send her daughter to school

The ladies are back in business

The ladies are back in business

Please click the above images to view them in full size.